TU Graz


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Video Album
Video Album
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ORF Films (115/220)
Minister of Justice Broda on the abolition of capital punishment, 1968 Mirabell Castle in Salzburg, marble staircase by G.R. Donner, 1726-1730

Minting of a Maria Theresia thaler
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References to other albums:
Encyclopedia of Austria: Geldwesen , Maria Theresia, * 1717 , Maria-Theresien-Taler , Münze Österreich AG
Stamp Album: 250th Anniversary of the Theresian Academy , 1,000 Years Ostarrichi - Rudolf IV ("The Founder")
Photo Album: Baden near Vienna - Monument to Emperor Joseph II in the Kurpark , Vienna - Museum of Art History, monument to Empress Maria Theresa

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