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Stamp Album
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Stamps from the year 1991 (9/34)
75th Commemoration of the Death of Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach Obir Dripstone Caverns from the series Natural Beauty in Austria

200th Commemoration of the Death of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Date of issue: March 22, 1991
Face value: AS 5
Commemorative block

Child prodigy Mozart composed his first symphonies at the age of nine, and at the Emperor's request wrote his first opera La finta semplice at the age of eleven. After fulfilling courtly duty in Salzburg and an engagement as court organist, Mozart supported himself after 1781 as a free-lance composer and musician. He was commissioned by Emperor Josef II early in his career to write a German national lyrical drama, from which the Kidnapping from the Serail (Entfuehrung aus dem Serail) emerged. The Marriage of Figaro or the Great Day (1786 premier in Vienna's Burgtheater) was an overwhelming success, especially in Prague. Mozart was appointed Imperial Chamber Composer in 1887, yet not even this could halt his financial decline. His health also deteriorated and on December 5, 1791 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart died totally impoverished, his brilliant musical achievements unrecognized.

References to other albums:
Encyclopedia of Austria: Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Video Album: Mozart's garden house , Konrad Lorenz receives the Nobel Prize, 1973
History of Music: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Jupiter-Symphonie , Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Krönungsmesse , Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Klavierkonzert Nr. 21 in C-Dur , Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Don Giovanni

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