Information: This is an old - not maintained - article of the AEIOU. In the Austria-Forum you find an updated version of this article in the new AEIOU.
Urban, Joseph© Copyright Josef Urban. Drawing by R. Swoboda, around 1900 Urban, Joseph, b. Vienna, May 25, 1872, d. New York (USA), July 10, 1933, architect, interior designer, illustrator. 1906-1908 president of the Hagenbund (artists´ association), from 1911 worked in the USA (film decor, set and costume design), 1922 director of the New York branch of the Vienna artists´ workshop Wiener Werkstätte. During his time in Vienna he designed with H. Lefler e.g. the restaurant in the Vienna Town Hall (Rathauskeller). Numerous book illustrations. Literature: R. Carter and R. R. Cole, J. U. Architecture, Theatre, Opera, Film, 1992; M. Kristan, J. U. Die Wiener Jahre des Jugendstilarchitekten und Illustrators 1872-1911, 2000.