Information: This is an old - not maintained - article of the AEIOU. In the Austria-Forum you find an updated version of this article in the new AEIOU.
Kaunitz, Wenzel Anton Graf ab 1764 Reichsfürst von Kaunitz-Rietberg© Copyright Wenzel Anton Graf Kaunitz, mezzotint by J. G. Haid, 1755 Kaunitz, Wenzel Anton, Count (from 1764 Prince von K.-Rietberg), b. Vienna, Feb. 2, 1711, d. Vienna, June 27, 1794, statesman. 1742-1744 envoy to Turin, worked from 1744 in the Austrian Netherlands, 1748 negotiator at the peace congress in Aix-la-Chapelle, 1750-1753 envoy (ambassador) to Paris, 1753-1792 state chancellor and principal advisor of Maria Theresia, Joseph II und Leopold II. In 1756 effectuated the conclusion of an alliance with France, extended in 1757 by Russia and Sweden, in order to recapture Silesia. In 1760 succeeded in organising the state council and is regarded as the major initiator of the spiritual and political renewal of Austria. Under Joseph II and Leopold II retained his office and his influence on foreign policy in spite of some differences of opinion with the emperors. K. was an advocate of the Enlightenment and a patron of the arts (Academy of Fine Arts). His personal social behaviour was regarded as eccentric, he did not allow any disruptions of his daily schedule and reacted impolitely even to the Emperors and Pope Pius VI. Of the K. Palace in the 6th district of Vienna only insignificant units have been preserved. Literature: A. Novotny, Staatskanzler K., 1947; T. Simanyi, K., Staatskanzler Maria Theresias, 1984; G. Jäger, Die Persönlichkeit des Staatskanzlers K. in der Historiographie, doctoral thesis, Wien, 1982; L. Schilling, K. und das Renversement des alliances, 1994; NDB.