Information: This is an old - not maintained - article of the AEIOU. In the Austria-Forum you find an updated version of this article in the new AEIOU.
Beer, RudolfBeer, Rudolf, b. Graz (Styria), Aug. 22, 1885, d. Vienna (suicide), May 9, 1938, actor, director, theatre manager; 1912-1918 assistant director of the Jarno-Bühnen theatre, 1918-1921 head of the Stadttheater in Brünn (Brno), 1921-1924 of the Raimundtheater in Vienna, 1924-1932 of the Deutsches Volkstheater in Vienna (performances of contemporary works by F. Bruckner, F. T. Csokor, F. Wedekind etc.); 1932/33 succeeded M. Reinhardt as head of the Deutsches Theater in Berlin; 1933-1938 head of the Scala in Vienna; along with M. Reinhardt, the most important person on the contemporary Viennese theatre scene; taught P. Wessely, H. Jaray, L. Ullrich, H. Holt etc.