TU Graz


This is an old - not maintained - article of the AEIOU.

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Selecting your sound material : bars 1-32
Audio Interchange Format (.AIF) stereo: 1494kBmono: 747kB
RIFF WAVE Format (.WAV) stereo: 1494kB mono: 747kB
MPEG Audio Layer-3 (.MP3) stereo: 197 kB
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MS Video for Windows (.AVI) stereo: 1904kB mono: 1146kB
QuickTime (.MOV) stereo: 1854kB mono: 1096kB
Audio CD Link (.VCD)2nd movement -stop bars 1-32
Graphic Interchange Format GIF: 9kBHELP 

German expressions in the scores and their English equivalents:
Hauptthemamain theme
E-DurE major

Source of music (Audio-CD): Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra (conductor: Carlos Kleiber) "SCHUBERT: Symphonien Nos. 3&8, 'Unvollendete - Unfinished - Inachevee'". CD-No. Deutsche Grammophon 415 601-2 GH.

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