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Stamps from the year 1987 (18/36)
100th Anniversary of the Bayer Method/8th International Conference of Light Alloys, Leoben-Vienna, 1987 10th Anniversary of the Public Defender

100th Anniversary of Shipping on Lake Achen

Date of issue: June 26, 1987
Face value: AS 4
Commemorative stamp

With 719 hectares, Lake Achen is the largest lake in the province of Tyrol. It is over 9 km long, approximately 1 km wide, and 133 m deep. Lakes were always used for transportation in the mountainous regions of Tyrol, throughout which many places were otherwise inaccessible. Used for transportation purposes was also Lake Achen, on which freight shipping was especially important. In doing so the Achen Valley served as a shortcut from the Inn Valley through to Bavaria and vice-versa. More or less regular shipping was known to exist as far back as the mid 16th century. Later, Lake Achen also became important for passenger transportation. As the railroad - the Inn Valley route was completed in 1858 - caused freight shipping on Lake Achen to come to a rather abrupt end, so passenger transportation in the second half of the previous century continually increased. Lake Achen was discovered as a popular summer holiday and excursion destination. The emergence of modern shipping lead to increased tourism throughout the region. In addition, the St. Georgenberg/Fiecht Benedictine Monastery, which today still officially owns Lake Achen, made special contributions to tourism. Along with other important achievements, the monastery sought to offer a special attraction with the establishment of steam shipping on Lake Achen. The much-acclaimed launching of the first steamer, the "St. Josef", on Lake Achen followed on May 23, 1887.

References to other albums:
Encyclopedia of Austria: Achensee
Photo Album: Achenkirch - Boat trip on Lake Achensee

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