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Stamp Album
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Stamps from the year 1987 (7/36)
Opening of the Austria Center, Vienna 1987 Upper Austrian Provincial Exhibit in Steyr: Work-People-Machines, the Path to an Industrial Society

700th Anniversary of Salzburg's Town Charter

Date of issue: April 24, 1987
Face value: AS 5
Commemorative stamp

On April 20, 1287 Salzburg's Archbishop Rudolf von Hohenegg settled a dispute that broke out between rich and poor citizens in the city of Salzburg. The document issued to settle this dispute is described as a "Sühnebrief" ("Sühne Letter"), because with it the archbishop established long-lasting peace or "Sühne" in the city. Violation of this document was severely punished. In the second part of the Sühnebrief, the archbishop and ruler of Salzburg enacted a town charter consisting of ten articles. Handed down as the oldest written town charter, it was meant for validity not only within the capital city and royal seat of Salzburg, but also throughout Salzburg's entire religious principality. It was upheld until the second half of the 14th century when it was replaced by a comprehensive new law comprised of 130 articles in which numerous stipulations were adopted from Vienna's Town Charter of 1221. The religious metropolis of Bavaria gradually began opening towards Austria, increasing the Habsburg influence in the principality of Salzburg.

References to other albums:
Encyclopedia of Austria: Salzburg, (Stadt)
Video Album: Salzburg Festival, "Everyman" by Hugo von Hofmannstal, 1934 , Salzburg Festival, "Everyman" Richard Eybner, 1932 , Mozart's garden house , Salzburg, tourism film, 1939 , Salzburg Festival, "Everyman" Atilla Hörbiger, 1948 , Salzburg , Graz, Eggenberg Castle, the Planet Room: Giovanni Pietro de Pomis, 1625-55. , Crypt of the Benedictine monastery Altenburg, 18th century , Liberation of concentration camp Mauthausen, 1945

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