Information: This is an old - not maintained - article of the AEIOU. In the Austria-Forum you find an updated version of this article in the new AEIOU.
300th Anniversary of the Vienna Fire Department
In the beginning of the 17th century Vienna's citizens stood more or less helpless in the face of major fires which broke out over and over. In those days the "fire code of the city of Vienna" of April 28, 1534 was still in effect. Indeed the city council had the obligation to supply fire extinguishers, yet it categorized fire-fighting mainly under civil self-help. In those days St. Stephens' tower served as an outlook and was established in the fire code of 1534. Only in the late 17th century did a considerably more efficient system of fire-fighting emerge with fundamental policy reforms. A turning point occurred in this vital area of city administration in the late 17th century. The responsibility of fire-fighting was re-established and in 1686 four "fire helpers" were employed. The effects of this turning point are still felt today. 1686 is considered the founding year of Vienna's fire department, even though the term "fire department" in those days was yet unknown.
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