TU Graz


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Arrangement (2/8)
Christ ist erstanden Heinrich Isaac: Innsbrucklied (vokal)

Early Modern Period

Costanzo Festa: Quis dabit oculis

Image a)

Image b)

The funeral motet Quis dabit oculis on the death of Emperor Maximilian I was not a new composition Ludwig Senfls. Senfl adapted an older work by the Italian composer Costanzo Festa (ca 1490 - 1545). This may have been the result of Maximilian's sudden death but was more likely caused by the musical situation at the court. For financial reasons but also because Maximilian moved his residence often (the court chapel was expected to always accompany the ruler) the number and quality of the musicians that were available at a given time was not always stable, like for example at the Burgundian court.

The illustrations show a) a portrait of the dead Maximilian I (1459 Wiener Neustadt/Lower Austria - 1519 Wels/Upper Austria) and

b) a printed report by Jörg Pleyer on his death. (E. Stadler)

 Quality: higher (1151 kB, WAV), lower (77 kB, MP3)

© Sound: Musicontact GmbH, Heuauerweg 21, 69124 Heidelberg, CD.-Nr. CHE 0058-2. Foto a: Alte Galerie des Steiermärkischen Landesmuseums Joanneum, Graz; b: Universitätsbibliothek Salzburg, Sondersammlungen, Sign. 549 III.
Links to other albums:
Encyclopedia of Austria Hofmusikkapelle, Maximilian I., Renaissance
Video Album Maximilian I
Photo Album Bronzefigur am Grab Maximilian I, Hofkirche mit Grabmal Maximilian I
Picture Album Maximilian I. im Kreise seiner Familie, Maximilian I. wird von einem Lehrer unterwiesen
Stamp Album 1000 Jahre Ostarriche - Kaiser Maximilian I

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