![]() Information: This is an old - not maintained - article of the AEIOU. In the Austria-Forum you find an updated version of this article in the new AEIOU.
Zuckerkandl-Szeps, Berta© Copyright Berta Zuckerkandl-Szeps, photo Zuckerkandl-Szeps, Berta, b. Vienna, April 13, 1864, d. Paris (France), Oct. 16, 1945, writer and journalist, daughter of M. Szeps, wife of Emil Zuckerkandl, sister-in-law of the French Prime Minister G. Clemenceau. Her home became a meeting place for famous personalities from the world of arts and culture (e.g. G. Klimt, G. Mahler, M. Reinhardt, A. Schnitzler). Z.-S. promoted new artistic styles and together with others initiated the Salzburg Festival; in 1938 she emigrated to Paris and later to Algier. Works: Dekorative Kunst und Kunstgewerbe, 1900; Zeitkunst, 1908; Ich erlebte 50 Jahre Weltgeschichte, 1939; Ö. intim. Erinnerungen 1892-1942, ed. by R. Federmann, 1970. Literature: R. Redl, B. Z. und die Wr. Ges., doctoral thesis, Vienna 1978; L. O. Meysels, In meinem Salon ist Ö., 1984.