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Wolfkind, Peter Daniel eigentlich P. VujicaWolfkind, Peter Daniel (real name: P. Vujica), b. Graz (Styria), Dec. 7, 1937, narrative writer, composer, music critic, journalist. Literary director at the Vereinigte Bühnen Graz 1963-1966; 1968-1973 co-organiser of the "Musikprotokolle" of the festival steirischer herbst; 1980-1982 member of the directorate of the steirischer herbst festival and 1983-1989 managing director; since 1989 head of the culture section of the Austrian newspaper "Der Standard". Author of grotesque and imaginative tales and novels ("Der grüne Zuzumbest", 1973). Further works: Narratives: Mondnacht, 1972; Die Boten des Frühlings, 1975; Das Fest der Kröten, 1985. - Essays: Welch ein Haus. Die Grazer Oper 1972-1990, 1990 (with C. Nemeth); Steiermark exklusiv, 1995. Literature: A.-M. Bouisson, P. D. W. Vorstoß in "kosmische Urnacht", in: Germanica 7, 1990.