Information: This is an old - not maintained - article of the AEIOU. In the Austria-Forum you find an updated version of this article in the new AEIOU.
Morak, FranzMorak, Franz, b. Graz (Styria), May 25, 1946, actor, director and politician (Austrian Peoples´ Party ÖVP). Graduate of the Graz College of Music and the Performing Arts; also attended the Vienna Reinhardt-Seminar drama school. First engagement at the Vienna Volkstheater (in P. Turrini's "Rozznjagd" and others), since 1974 at the Burgtheater, 1986-1992 also representative of the Burgtheater company. In the 1980s also rock musician. 1990 successfully directed "Sibirien" by F. Mitterer (with F. Muliar) at the Vienna Akademietheater. In 1985 awarded the Kainz Medal. 1994 start of a political career: 1994-2000 member of the Nationalrat, since 2000 Secretary of State for Art and the Media in the Federal Chancellery. Work: Die organisierte Kreativität, 1999 (ed.). References to other albums: