Information: This is an old - not maintained - article of the AEIOU. In the Austria-Forum you find an updated version of this article in the new AEIOU.
Kolowrat-Krakowsky, Alexander "Sascha" Joseph Graf© Copyright Count Alexander Joseph Kolowrat-Krakowsky, photo Kolowrat-Krakowsky, Count Alexander ("Sascha") Joseph, b. New York (USA), Jan. 29, 1886, d. Vienna, Dec. 4, 1927; film pioneer, founder of the Austrian film industry, founded the film company Sascha-Film in Pfraumberg (Bohemia) and discovered numerous film actors, e.g. W. Forst and M. Dietrich. Innovative in all film genres of his time. the monumental films he produced in the silent film era in the Vienna Laaer Berg region ("Sodom und Gomorrha", 1922, "Die Sklavenkönigin", 1924) are highlights of his artistic work. Further works: Film director of: Die Gewinnung des Eisens am steir. Erzberg in Eisenerz, 1912; Der Millionenonkel, 1913; Vienna im Kriege, 1916; Der Märtyrer seines Herzens, 1918; Eine versunkene Welt, 1920; Der junge Medardus, 1923; Salammbo, 1925; Café Elektric, 1927. Literature: I. M. Hübl, S. K. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der ö. Kinematographie, 1950; W. Fritz and M. Zahradnik (eds.), Erinnerungen an S. K., publications of the Austrian Film Archives, no. 31, 1992.