Information: This is an old - not maintained - article of the AEIOU. In the Austria-Forum you find an updated version of this article in the new AEIOU.
GallspachGallspach, Upper Austria, market town in the district of Grieskirchen, alt. 368 m, pop. 2,462 (1981: pop. 2,014), area 6.18 km2, climatic health resort in the northeastern foothills of the Hausruck mountains, south of Grieskirchen. - Department for electro-physical therapy (Institut Zeileis, since 1912, physical radiotherapy and acupuncture), administrative offices of the health institutions, tourism (124,638 overnight stays); Berufsförderungsinstitut (BFI, Vocational Training Institute); production of measuring devices and electronic control units. - Gothic parish church largely renovated in the 19th century; castle (first documented mention around 1120), construction of the present four-sided version around 1600. Literature: Gemeinde Gallspach (ed.), 550 Jahre Marktgemeinde Gallspach, 1989.