Information: This is an old - not maintained - article of the AEIOU. In the Austria-Forum you find an updated version of this article in the new AEIOU.
Ertler, Bruno© Copyright Bruno Ertler, photo around 1925 Ertler, Bruno, b. Pernitz (Lower Austria), Jan. 29, 1889, d. Graz (Styria), Dec. 10, 1927, writer, worked as journalist for Graz newspapers and in 1924 became a lecturer in newspaper journalism at the University of Graz. Despite his serious liver condition, his work is characterised by a positive basic attitude towards life. In his novellas, dramas and poems, he reflects mostly on his own experiences during childhood and adolescence. Works: Eva Lilith, 1919 (poetry); Wenn zwei das Gleiche tun, 1920 (3 one-act plays); Das Spiel vom Doktor Faust, 1923 (drama); Novellen, 2 vols., 1946; Erlebnisse des Herzens, 1948 (narratives). - Editions: Dichters Dornenstraße. Novellas and tales, ed. E. Nack, 1954; Durch den großen Garten gehen. Gedichte, ed. E. Nack, 1953; Dramat. Werke, ed. E. Nack, 1957. Literature: K. Kaschnitz, Die geistige und künstler. Entwicklung im Werk B. E., doctoral thesis, Graz 1949.