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Dinklage, KarlDinklage, Karl, b. Dresden (Germany), Oct. 10, 1907, d. Klagenfurt (Carinthia), Aug. 28, 1987, historian. From 1958 archivist for Carinthia province, from 1975 professor at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration; co-founder of the Robert Musil Archives in Klagenfurt. Publications: Kärntens gewerbliche Wirtschaft von der Vorzeit bis zur Gegenwart, 1953; Geschichte der Kärntner Landwirtschaft, 1966 (co-author); Kärnten um 1620, 1980; Geschichte der Kärntner Arbeiterschaft, 2 vols., 1976-1982. - Company histories and anniversary publications; numerous theoretical papers on economics and social history.