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Brügel, Fritz auch: Wenzel Sladek; Dr. DubskiBrügel, Fritz (also known as Wenzel Sladek; Dr. Dubski), b. Vienna, Feb. 13, 1897, d. London (United Kingdom), July 4, 1955, poet and essayist, son of Ludwig Brügel. Head librarian of the Vienna Chamber of Labour library for social studies; wrote poems, songs and political papers; author of the song "Die Arbeiter von Wien", fled after the fights of February 1934, emigrated to England in 1941, lived in Czechoslovakia after 1945, returned to England in 1948. Works: Klage um Adonis, 1931 (poetry); Der dt. Sozialismus von L. Gall bis K. Marx, 1931; Die Hauptsache ist ..., 1932 (Songs); Februar-Ballade, 1935; Gedichte aus Europa, 1937; Verschwörer, 1948 (novel). Literature: J. Stieber, F. B. im Exil 1934-1955, doctoral thesis, Wien 1998.