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Stadtkonvikt - Vienna, 1st district, Dr.Ignaz Seipel-Platz

© Photo Archive Schilder
Schubert had a scholarship for the imperial Stadtkonvikt, where he stayed from 1808 to 1813. He was a choir-boy (cf. "Österreich-Lexikon") of the Imperial Chapel at the Hofburg and attended the "Akademische Gymnasium" (cf. "Österreich-Lexikon") not far from there. School results were entered in reports issued by the Konvikt and had to be presented to the monarch (Emperor Franz). Afterwards Schubert attended a preparatory college for teacher, which he finished successfully; in 1814 he became one of six assistants at his father’s school.


Franz Schubert in portraits
Franz Theodor Schubert The Glacis in front of st. Charles Borromeo church

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