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Attention: CDLink is not yet implementet for this piece of music. We will prepare it on request. If you would like to use VCD-Link please send an e-mail to: aeiou@bmbwk.gv.at

Audio CDLink

File extension: "VCD"

CDLink – a free program from Voyager – allows client servers to play and to control any normal Audio compact disk in the CD-ROM drive of your computer. A simple text-file (extension .vcd) tells the CD-ROM drive where to begin playing and where to stop. When using .vcd-files it ist not necessary to load down music sequences -- they can just be played locally directly from the Audio compact disk loaded in your CD-ROM drive played at top quality.


You need exactly the Audio compact disk used for the music examples in Music-Kolleg. You will find sound source notes at the end of the menue for music examples.

URL for download, installatin and use of CDLink:


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