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Schubert Schubert as a composer for the piano

    21 sonatas
  • "Wandererfantasie", 1822
  • 8 Impromptus
  • 6 Moments musicaux
  • Marches
  • Polonaises
  • Variations
Schubert wrote no instrumental concerts. His piano style is influenced by the lied, an instrumental style based on the cantilene; he does without dramatic concentration and contrast of themes; the technique is no aim in itself. His work for the piano lacks brilliance (Schubert was no concert pianist).

His small works are influential for the further development of piano music. The 6 impromptus have as a model the impromptu collection of the Czech composer Jan Vaclav Vorisek.

The Wandererfantasie (instrumental setting by Liszt, cf. "Österreich-Lexikon") is a precursor of the fantasy sonata, consisting of one movement divided into several sections.

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