Memorial plaque on the successor house of Johann Strauß' residence and deathplace, Igelgasse 4 today: 1040 Vienna, Johann Strauß-Gasse 4 This tablet, which commemorates Johann Strauß jun.'s last residence in Vienna, was unveiled on February 13th, 1967. In this street, the former Igelgasse – which was re-named Johann-Strauß-Gasse in the year of his death, 1899 – Strauß had a two-storey palais built to which he moved in 1878 and where he died in 1899. The top representatives of the Viennese music circles used to meet there: Johannes Brahms, Anton Bruckner, Carl Goldmark, Giacomo Puccini, but also Viktor Tilgner and Ludwig Ganghofer. This "Wieden Palais" was destroyed by bombs in 1944 and reolaced by a modern apartment block.