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Vienna Gate of the town Hainburg on the Danube

© Photo Archive Schilder
Playing music was a regular spare time activity in the Haydn family. Little Joseph proved to be particularly gifted. In 1738 the school rector of Hainburg, Johann Matthias Franck, a relative of the Haydn family, was present at such a family concert. Acting on Franck’s advice, father Haydn decided to send his son to school in Hainburg. As late as 1805 Haydn stated that "he owed it to this teacher beyond his grave that he had made him start so many different things."
Franck, whom he called cousin, gave him board and lodging so as to offer him the necessary basis for a musical education. The picture shows the Vienna gate of Hainburg, the oldest preserved town gate of central Europe.


Joseph Haydn in pictures
Livingroom of Haydn’s birthplace Castle Esterháza near Fertöd (Hungary)

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