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Bruckner Survey of Bruckner's works

Choral works (selection)

  • Motets
  • 3 Masses
  • Te Deum
Orchestral works: 9 symphonies

  • No. 1, C minor (2nd version from 1890): dedicated to the University of Vienna to express his gratitude for the honorary doctorate of philosophy.
  • No.2, C minor: dedicated to Franz Liszt, who ignored it, however.
  • No.3, A minor: dedicated to Richard Wagner.
  • Nr. 4, No.4, E-flat major, the "Romantic": dedicated to Prince Konstantin Hohenlohe-Schillingfürst, Chief Steward of the Imperial Household, Bruckner's immediate superior.
  • No.5, B-flat major: dedicated to Franz von Stremayer, Minister of Education.
  • No.6, A major: dedicated to Dr and Mrs Anton von Oelzelt-Newein, Bruckner's landlord.
  • No.7, E major: dedicated to King Louis II of Bavaria.
  • No.8, C minor: dedicated to Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria.
  • No.9, D minor: dedicated to "The Good Lord". This dedication is an oral tradition.

Preliminary studies to the 9 symphonies

  • F-minor symphony: the so-called "study symphony", 1863
  • D-minor symphony: the so-called "zero", 1864
Chamber music

  • String quartet in F major

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