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Bruckner Bruckner as a writer of church music

Bruckner's works of sacred music:

  • Mass in D minor (1864, revised in 1876)
  • Mass in E minor (1st version 1866, 2nd version 1876)
  • Mass in F minor (1867/68, revised 1876 and 1890)
  • Te Deum (1881, revised 1882-84)
Bruckner's Masses composed for liturgical occasions are orchestral Masses for the large symphonic orchestra of the 19th century. The Mass in E minor is an exception, written for an eight-part choir with wind accompaniment. It was performed at the consecration of the votive chapel in the new Cathedral of Linz.

Bruckner created the modern symphonic style of masses. He succeeded in giving the 19th century symphonic development an expression in liturgical sacred music. This church music shares his symphonic traits: broad melodic lines, formation of motifs, sequential treatment, double themes by making the accompaniment independent, tonality enlarged by parallel thirds. The fugues are in their traditional place and important as contrapuntal achievements.

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