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Stamps from the year 1996 (4/31)
1996 Ski Jumping World Championship Painters: 200th Birthday of Peter Fendi

Vienna International Airport - Pier West

Date of issue: March 28, 1996
Face value: AS 7
Commemorative stamp

Within just a few decades, the Vienna International Airport emerged from the former military airport of the Royal Airforce, located to the east of the city of Schwechat. Today it serves as a turnstile in the heart of Europe and plays a key role in international air traffic. Plans to expand and modernize the airport became necessary as a result of the rapid increase in passenger flow and the predicted growth in international air traffic overall. Many new additions were made in the years from 1989 through to the completion of Pier West in 1996. A new speciality center, the new Terminal 1 with 50 additional check-in counters, an expanded transit area with the "Plaza" shopping area, and a larger arrival hall were all put into operation. Pier West is the culmination of an impressive phase of expansion and is due to open officially on March 29, 1996 after only 28 months of construction. Pier West is also the architectural counterpart to Pier East and offers more than 12 passenger gangways, an additional 12,000 square meters of check-in area, and enables direct a connection between airplane and terminal. The semicircle shape guarantees quicker passage for transfer passengers and eight X-ray devices ensure the security of all travellers. In all, the construction enabled Vienna Airport, Inc. to become the first in Europe to receive the ISO 9001, which is the highest quality standard certification.

References to other albums:
Encyclopedia of Austria: Flughäfen
Photo Album: Schwechat near Vienna - Vienna airport premises with AUA-jet planes

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