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Stamp Album
Stamp Album
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Stamps from the year 1993 (7/31)
100th Commemoration of the Death of Peter Mitterhofer Special Olympics Winter Games

Austro-Pop, 1st issue

Date of issue: March 19, 1993
Face value: AS 5.50
Commemorative series

Rainhard Fendrich was born on February 27, 1955 in Vienna. His musical talent lead him to become one of the most successful Austrian pop musicians, although he originally wanted to become an actor. Shortly after deciding to pursue a career in music, Fendrich landed his first big hit with his humorous and ironic song "Strada del Sole", which earned him the first in a series of gold albums. Over a million records sold as of the mid 1980s speak for themselves. Other hits included "Vienna at Night" which sold more than 100,000 copies, thereby earning Fendrich the Austrian Recording Prize for best composer. "Not a Nice Country" earned him the "Pop Amadeus" Award for best overall work of 1986. Further highlights in his successful career include the platinum album "I am from Austria" and double platinum album "From Time to Time".

References to other albums:
Encyclopedia of Austria: Fendrich, Rainhard

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