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Stamp Album
Stamp Album
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Stamps from the year 1992 (20/36)
100th Birthday of Dr. Anna Dengel Day of the Stamp 2nd denomination

Protect the Alps

Date of issue: May 22, 1992
Face value: AS 5.50
Commemorative stamp

As a resort area and one of the last territories of retreat for endangered species, the alpine region requires special protection. The Hohe Tauern National Park, under discussion since 1971, is intended to help fulfill this requirement. However, compromising with economic development has hindered a rapid fulfillment of this objective. The integration of neighboring ecosystems is tighter in the Alps than in the flatlands, rendering the Alps more susceptible to disturbances. Far too liberal economic compromises preclude the establishment of a national park. With the Alpine Convention drawn up by the European Economic Union in 1991, an integrated general concept emerged, which when implemented by all seven alpine countries, should secure a healthy future for the entire alpine region.

References to other albums:
Encyclopedia of Austria: Alpen
Video Album: Grossglockner: Carinthia, East Tyrol

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