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Stamp Album
Stamp Album
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Stamps from the year 1990 (22/35)
50th Remembrance of the Death of Mathias Zdarsky 100th Birthday of Josef Friedrich Perkonig

150 Years Modern Shipbuilding in Austria

Date of issue: June 28, 1990
Face value: AS 9
Commemorative stamp

With a length of 2,888 kilometers, the Danube is the second longest and most water-rich river in Europe. The anniversary of 150 Years of Modern Shipbuilding in Austria is dedicated to the construction in 1840 of the first iron freighter by the master shipbuilder from Linz Ignaz Mayer. The first steamship with barges was put into operation in 1844. Critical to navigation growth on the Danube was the founding of the Danube Steam Shipping Company in 1829. The auxiliary department of shipbuilding at the Technical University in Vienna established in 1912/1913 and the shipbuilding academy at Pula helped to ensure high technical and scientific standards among management and construction staff.

References to other albums:
Encyclopedia of Austria: Donau-Dampfschiffahrts-Gesellschaft, Erste, DDSG

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