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Stamp Album
Stamp Album
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Stamps from the year 1989 (2/34)
25th Anniversary of the Innsbruck Diocese 150th Birthday of Marianne Hainisch

900th Anniversary of Abbey Melk

Date of issue: March 17, 1989
Face value: AS 5
Commemorative stamp

The first vespers of the Benedictine Feast (March 21, 1089) marked the dawn of monastic life at Melk, which since then has withstood all the highs and lows of human history through to the present without real or legal interruption. The year 1989 therefore served as the occasion for wide-spread celebrations commemorating the 900-year endurance of the monastery and for the issuance of this commemorative postage stamp. This stamp depicts a detail from Paul Troger's fresco in the Koloman Hall of the monastery and therewith the occasion for the anniversary: in this portrayal Margrave Leopold II leads the colony of monks from Lambach into Melk under the first Abbott Sigibold.

References to other albums:
Encyclopedia of Austria: Melk, NÖ., Stadt
Video Album: Melk Cross, 1362
Photo Album: Melk an der Donau

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