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Stamps from the year 1987 (22/36)
125th Anniversary of the Exhibits in Freistadt 850th Anniversary of Arbing (1137-1987)

Loretto Monastery, Burgenland from the series Monasteries of Austria

Date of issue: August 14, 1987
Face value: AS 7
Definitive series

Loretto, a section within the market municipality of Leithaprodersdorf with roughly 270 inhabitants, lies on the northern slope of the Leitha Mountain near Burgenland's provincial capital of Eisenstadt. This area was named after Loretto, an Italian town not far from Ancona on the Adriatic coast. A small house made of sandstone and brick and dating back to the late 13th century stood in Italy's Loretto and it became the center of worship of the Virgin Mary. The history of Burgenland's Loretto Monastery also began in this Italian pilgrimage town. The holder of the Hornstein Estate, Hans Rudolf von Stotzingen, brought with him from Italy a replica of the statue of the Lady of Loretto. This statue was temporarily displayed in his castle in Seibersdorf. On September 8, 1644 it was moved to Loretto to the newly-built reproduction of St. John's Chapel, originally destroyed by Turks in 1529. This sparked an influx of pilgrims to Loretto. To ensure the pilgrims were afforded adequate religious ministration, the neighboring town of Stotzing was raised to a parish and handed over to the Servite Order. Today's parish and pilgrimage church of the Immaculate Conception is a Baroque structure dating back to the 17th and 18th centuries.

References to other albums:
Encyclopedia of Austria: Loretto

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