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Stamp Album
Stamp Album
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Stamps from the year 1987 (21/36)
100th Birthday of Erwin Schrödinger Loretto Monastery, Burgenland from the series Monasteries of Austria

125th Anniversary of the Exhibits in Freistadt

Date of issue: August 11, 1987
Face value: AS 5
Commemorative stamp

This commemorative stamp shows Freistadt's main square and the emblem of the Mühlviertel Fair. The Mühlviertel Fair is one of the oldest of its kind in the province of Upper Austria and indeed in Austria. Freistadt was always a significant and pulsating mercantile center. Freistadt's flourishing trade began when King Rudolf of Habsburg bestowed upon the city trade and storage rights. The first exhibit entitled "Upper Enn Farming Community" in 1862 marked the beginning of regular fairs in Freistadt. In 1931 the exhibit reached out beyond provincial borders and established the basis of today's Mühlviertel Fair. Nowadays the Mühlviertel Fair reaches far outside of the Mühlviertel to Bavaria, Greater Linz, and the neighboring Lower Austrian districts of Amstetten, Gmünd, Waidhofen/Thaya, and Zwettl. Its significance was also enhanced with its opening to the former East Block countries.

References to other albums:
Encyclopedia of Austria: Freistadt, OÖ.
Video Album: Freistadt in Upper Austria, medieval fortifications
Photo Album: Freistadt im Mühlviertel

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