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Stamp Album
Stamp Album
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Stamps from the year 1986 (26/30)
European Conference for Security and Cooperation (ECSC) Christmas 1986

175th Anniversary of the Joanneum - Styria's Provincial Museum

Date of issue: November 26, 1986
Face value: AS 4
Commemorative stamp

By human standards, the Joanneum, Austria's oldest museum devoted to its people, has come a long way. It has survived tremendous spiritual, political, economic, and scientific movements that indeed transformed the world. At a time when still no one could have imagined how soon Napoleon's star would fall, Archduke Johann entrusted Styria with the museum which he founded. He obligated his foundation to "always promote the common good," namely, "to further the education of youth in Styria and to spread knowledge, arouse diligence and promote industry among its population". Today, staff of this museum testify to the fundamentals of such a task without hesitation: They have managed to preserve their dynamism through the ages. A number of institutions have grown out of the original museum. Compared to its six initial departments, today the Joanneum is comprised of seventeen departments and a staff of 180. In addition, its regular exhibits are being supplemented by courses, lectures, seminars, and excursions, each of which attract interest from all over Austria. Step by step the Joanneum is being newly remodelled according to contemporary perspectives. Tradition and modern technology now combine to form an aesthetically appealing whole, which since the 1970s has generated an unprecedented upswing in visitor interest. More than twelve million individuals have made use of the Joanneum; visitors have carried away with them information, answers, explanations, stimulation, and just plain joy. In every sense of the word the Joanneum continues to uphold the statutes upon which Archduke Johann instituted it: "continuous development and advancement is not only every individual's goal, but that of every state organization, and indeed of mankind". The picture on the stamp dedicated to this museum shows the Wagon of Strettweg - unearthed in 1859. It originates from the grave of an important man. This world-famous monument to the Hallstatt period (7th century, BC) is thought to have been part of a fertility and death ritual (bronze, 48 x 32 x 32 cm).

References to other albums:
Encyclopedia of Austria: Joanneum, Stiftung

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