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Dance (14/15)
Johann Strauß: Die Fledermaus(The Bat) Steirer from Goisern


Oscar Straus: Reigen-Walzer

The Operetta and Hollywood composer, Oscar Straus (1870 Vienna - 1954 Bad Ischl/Upper Austria) was one of very few emigrants who were lucky enough to managae a new start in Europe. In 1950, the aged composer met Max Ophüls in Paris by chance, just when Ophuls was finally able to make a film of Schnitzler's Reigen (Round Dance) with music by mit Straus. Straus intimated the decadent atmosphere of the subject with his Reigen waltz and returned to the musical language of his youth (Illustration, Straus as a young man). It is possible to explain the popularity of the Reigen-Walzer (Example, main theme of the Waltz) on its own with the composer's ability to give the waltz idiom the dimension of an apparently eternal means of expression. (M. Saary)

 Quality: higher (1199 kB, WAV), lower (81 kB, MP3)

© Sound: 1993 Marco Polo 8.223596, Interpreten: Budapest Strauss Symphony Orchestra, Alfred Walter (Leitung).
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