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Fin de Siècle (4/7)
Arnold Schönberg: Die glückliche Hand Fritz Heinrich Klein: The Machine

Fin de Siècle

Franz Schreker: Der ferne Klang

Franz Schreker (1878 Monaco -1934 Berlin/Germany) was on friendly terms with Zemlinsky and the members of the New Viennese School. He had the idea for his modern-sensual opera Der ferne Klang (1910) as early as the year 1900. It represents the longing of the artist to create a great work of art which is symbolized by a tonal vision which on the other hand destroys the life of the woman he loves. Schreker's impressionistic instrumentation and rich harmonies that approach the limits of tonality turn surrealistic tonal visions into plausible effects. Above all, his use of the harp with a reduced orchestra becomes a symbol of the tonal atmosphere of the artist (Example: Finale of the opera). (Illustration: Schreker as a young man) Although he was extremely en vogue as a teacher and composer, he was afraid his opera would be a giant flop, so he postponed the first performance as long as possible to be sure that it would be accepted without any scandal. (M. Saary)

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© Sound: 1991 Capriccio 60024-2, Interpreten: Radio-Symphonie-Orchester Berlin, Gerd Albrecht (Leitung).
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Encyclopedia of AustriaFuchs, Robert, Schreker, Franz

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