![]() Information: This is an old - not maintained - article of the AEIOU. In the Austria-Forum you find an updated version of this article in the new AEIOU.
Help on SearchHyperwave offers integrated search facilities. Using the Search icon you enter the Search form that lets you customize your search.
Search OptionsEnter the word you want to search for in the Search for field. You can enter a single word in this field or formulate a boolean query. The AND operator can be specified by using & or AND, the OR operator by using | or OR. A third operator is the ANDNOT operator, specified by using &! or ANDNOT. Search terms may be truncated with an asterisk, (e.g. hyper*) to search for particular prefixes, brackets may be used to structure the query, e.g. Hyperwave & (Client | Server). All inputs (including boolean operators) are treated case insensitive, space between words is interpreted as AND. After you have specified your search query, choose method and scope of your search. You can search in titles, keywords, or in the content of the documents either in the collection you are currently browsing or in the whole server. When you have customized your search, use the button Submit Search to send it to the HyperWave server. Search Tips:Title or headword searchThis search option allows you to search in the titles (headwords) only. Please note that the original German headword still appears in some cases, especially where the German terms are highly specific to Austrian culture and history. In such cases, an English explanation is given in the body of the entry. Therefore, it may be necessary to search the titles first and then the full text of the encyclopaedia.
Full-text searchWhen using this search option, please bear in mind that you may have to enter multiple search terms in order to retrieve a manageable number of results. Therefore, it may be advisable to search the titles only first and then the full text of the encyclopaedia. SpellingPlease note that words with different spellings, like those beginning with the letter "C", may also be found under the letters "K", "Tsch" or "Z" and vice versa. The same holds true for words beginning with the letters "V" and "F", "I", "J", "Y" as well as "V" and "W". Keyword searchAll of the entries in the encyclopaedia have been classified using keywords, which can also be used as search criteria. This classification system has been devised to help global users find their way around a collection of information which was originally structured on the basis of Austrians' local knowledge. Since the original German version was compiled for an Austrian target group which would search information on the basis of already known words and terms, the information is structured in such a way that access is gained primarily through known words and terms. In other words the Austrian user generally knows what s/he is looking for. For the English version, we had to bear in mind that international users would not only have a different background knowledge of Austria from the original target group, but would also approach the information search with different motives and different assumptions. Instead of, for example saying "I wonder whether Großlobming is a village or a town?", the non-Austrian user is more likely to approach the question from another angle and ask, for example, "What towns and villages are there in Styria or Austria?". This applies mutatis mutandis for most of the entries. To cater for this users will be able to find information via categories accessible through keywords, which classify the entries found in the Encyclopaedia. When searching for very general categories, please bear in mind that the number of results will be very high. Obviously, the keywords are best used in combination with each other (e.g. people & 20th century & journalism, etc.) to return a manageable number of results. Please note that in many cases precision was sacrificed in order to limit the number of search terms and keep this feature relatively simple.