Information: This is an old - not maintained - article of the AEIOU. In the Austria-Forum you find an updated version of this article in the new AEIOU.
WerfenwengWerfenweng, province of Salzburg, municipality in the district of St. Johann, alt. 902 m, pop. 615, area 45.01 km2, bi-seasonal tourist resort (209,984 overnight stays in 1992) east of the Salzach valley, at the southern foot of the Tennengebirge mountains in the Pongau region. - First documented mention in 1090; late Gothic parish church (consecrated in 1509), 3-storey west tower (1625) with octagonal roof, columned high altar (1763) with late Gothic carved Madonna (around 1500) and group of Baroque carved statues; Alpine Paarhof and Haufenhof farmhouse types (some from the 16th century). Literature: J. Koschitz, Der sozialgeographische Strukturwandel der Gemeinde Werfenweng, doctoral thesis, Salzburg 1982.