Information: This is an old - not maintained - article of the AEIOU. In the Austria-Forum you find an updated version of this article in the new AEIOU.
Wassermann, Jakob© Copyright Jakob Wassermann, photo, around 1910 Wassermann, Jakob, b. Fürth (Germany), March 10, 1873, d. Altaussee (Styria), Jan. 1, 1934. Writer and critic. Lived in Vienna from 1898 as theatre correspondent and joined the circle "Jung-Wien". In 1919 moved to Altaussee. Was one of the most popular German language authors even during his lifetime. Wrote psychological novels and historical biographies from humanist perspective. His best known book is the novel about a legal case "Der Fall Maurizius" (1928). Further works: novels: Melusine. Ein Liebesroman, 1896; Die Juden von Zirndorf, 1897; Die Geschichte der jungen Renate Fuchs, 1900; Alexander in Babylon, 1905; Caspar Hauser oder Die Trägheit des Herzens, 1908; Das Gänsemännchen, 1915; Christian Wahnschaffe, 2 vols., 1919; Laudin und die Seinen, 1925; Etzel Andergast, 1931; Joseph Kerkhovens dritte Existenz, 1934. - Autobiography: Mein Weg als Deutscher und Jude, 1921. - Essays, novellas, narratives. Literature: D. Rodewald (ed.), J. W. 1873-1934, 1984; M. Neubauer, M. W., ein Schriftsteller im Urteil seiner Zeitgenossen, 1994; R. Koester, J. W., 1996.