Information: This is an old - not maintained - article of the AEIOU. In the Austria-Forum you find an updated version of this article in the new AEIOU.
ÜbelbachÜbelbach, Styria, market town in the district of Graz-Umgebung, alt. 580 m, pop. 2,162, area 94.57 km2, on Übelbach stream, at the south-eastern foot of Gleinalpe Mountain. - Lehrbauhof Süd (training centre of the building industry), chip-burning district heating plant; wood processing industry (windows). - Late Gothic parish church (around 1520-1530) with splendid Classicist high altar (1805), tabernacle with relief, statue of the Virgin Mary (around 1435-1440); Gothic market church of St. Michael (around 1770) with Baroque interior; small goldsmith's palace (1783); former mine owners' houses (core 16th -17th century). Literature: Marktgemeinde Übelbach (ed.), Festschrift anläßlich des 700jährigen Bestehens der Marktgemeinde Übelbach, 1968.