Information: This is an old - not maintained - article of the AEIOU. In the Austria-Forum you find an updated version of this article in the new AEIOU.
Türk, Johann BaptistTürk, Johann Baptist, b. Innsbruck (Tyrol), Aug. 17, 1775, d. Töltschach (municipality of Maria Saal, Carinthia), Sept. 30, 1841, freedom fighter, Supreme Commander of the Carinthian "Landsturm" reserve contingent, which he organised in the year 1809 ("the Carinthian Andreas Hofer"). Tomb in the cemetery of Maria Saal. Works: Jugend- und Kriegserinnerungen, ed. by F. Khull, 1902; Meine Lebensschücksalle, ed. by R. Gratzer, 1985.