Information: This is an old - not maintained - article of the AEIOU. In the Austria-Forum you find an updated version of this article in the new AEIOU.
Stacher, AloisStacher, Alois, b. Vienna, Feb. 16, 1925, hematologist and politician (Austrian Social Democratic Party, SPÖ). 1973-1989 City Counsellor for health and social affairs in Vienna. his period of office saw the construction of the New Vienna General Hospital and of the exemplary Social Medical Centre East (Donauspital) north of the Danube river. Was responsible for the structural reform of psychiatric treatment in Vienna. From 1974 university Professor, 1976-1990 senior consultant at the Hanusch hospital in Vienna; specialized in hematology, especially leukemia and lymphoma research as well as in holistic medicine; more than 350 scientific publications.