![]() Information: This is an old - not maintained - article of the AEIOU. In the Austria-Forum you find an updated version of this article in the new AEIOU.
Sinowatz, Fred© Copyright Fred Sinowatz, photo Sinowatz, Fred, b. Neufeld an der Leitha (Burgenland), Feb. 5, 1929, d. Vienna, August 11, 2008, historian und politician (Austrian Social Democratic Party, SPÖ). 1961-1978 Provincial Party Secretary of SPÖ Burgenland, 1961-1966 member of the Landtag of Burgenland, 1964-1966 President of the Landtag, 1966-1971 Landesrat für Kultur (Provincial Councillor for Culture). 1981-1983 Vice-Party Chairman and 1983-1988 Party Chairman of the SPÖ (Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs); 1971-1983 Federal Minister for Educational and Cultural Affairs, 1971-1983 and 1986-1988 member of the Nationalrat; 1981-1983 Vice-Chancellor and 1983-1986 Federal Chancellor. As education minister promoted political education in schools as well as many educational experiments and reforms; put through the school Education Act of 1974. Resigned as Federal Chancellor after the Socialist candidate Kurt Steyrer had failed in the presidential elections 1986. renounced all political functions in 1988. References to other albums: