Information: This is an old - not maintained - article of the AEIOU. In the Austria-Forum you find an updated version of this article in the new AEIOU.
Seusenhofer, PlattnerfamilieSeusenhofer (also Seussenhofer, Seyssenhofer), family of armourers, lived in Innsbruck. Members of the family included the brothers Konrad Seusenhofer and Hans Seusenhofer and Hans' son Jörg Seusenhofer. Literature: O. Gamber, Die Innsbrucker Plattnerei von 1450 bis zum Tod Ks. Maximilians, doctoral thesis, Vienna 1950; B. Thomas and O. Gamber, Die Innsbrucker Plattnerkunst, exhibition catalogue, Innsbruck 1954; B. Thomas, Die Innsbrucker Plattnerkunst, ein Nachtrag, in: Jahrbuch der kunsthistor. Sammlung in Wien, 1974.