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Rollett, Hermann© Copyright Hermann Rollett, lithograph by J. Kriehuber, 1864 Rollett, Hermann, b. Baden (Lower Austria), Aug. 20, 1819, d. Baden (Lower Austria), May 30, 1904, poet, playwright and narrative writer, nephew of Georg Anton Rollett, uncle of Alexander Rollett. Belonged to the circle of liberal republican authors of the Vormärz prerevolutionary period (1815-1848), 1845-1854 emigrated to Germany and Switzerland for political reasons; from 1876 head of the Municipal Archives of Baden. Works: political poetry: Frühlingsboten aus Ö., 1845; Wanderbuch eines Wr. Poeten, 1846; Kampflieder, 1848; Republikan. Liederbuch, 1848 (ed.); Metternich, 1848. - Autobiography: Begegnungen. Erinnerungsblätter 1819-99, 1903. - Editions: Dramat. Dichtungen, 3 vols., 1851; Erzählende Dichtungen, 1872. Literature: J. Kamptner, H. R., doctoral thesis, Vienna 1927; ÖBL.