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Rohracher, HubertRohracher, Hubert, b. Lienz (Tyrol), April 24, 1903, d. Kitzbühel (Tyrol) Dec. 18, 1972, psychologist, cousin of Andreas Rohracher. From 1947 professor at the University of Vienna. Advocated a natural science approach in psychology; tried to establish a connection between the electro-chemical processes in the brain and psychological processes. Founder and president of the Austrian Research Council. Works: Persönlichkeit und Schicksal, 1926; Die elektrochem. Vorgänge im menschl. Gehirn, 21942; Experimentelle und statist. Beiträge zur psycholog. Unfallforschung, 1956; Kleine Charakterkunde, 111965; Einführung in die Psychologie, 91965.