Choose the headword of interest from the following list. All the entries are also available in English, even though the headword may be in German.
Ramingstein - Rapf, Kurt |
Ramingstein |
Ramsau, Niederösterreich |
Ramsau 1-5 |
Ramsau am Dachstein |
Ramus, Pierre |
Randa, Gerhard |
Randegg |
Randgemeinden |
Randgruppen |
Ranftl, Johann Matthias |
Ränge, militärische |
Rangersdorf |
Ranggeln |
Rank, Joseph |
Rank, Otto |
Rankweil |
Ranna |
Rannersdorf |
Ranshofen |
Ransmayr, Christoph |
Rantasa, Walter |
Ranten |
Ranzoni, Hans der Ältere |
Ranzoni, Hans der Jüngere |
Rapf, Kurt |