Information: This is an old - not maintained - article of the AEIOU. In the Austria-Forum you find an updated version of this article in the new AEIOU.
Puch, Johann© Copyright Johann Puch, photo. Puch, Johann, b. Sakusak near Ptuj (Slovenia, then Pettau), June 27, 1862, d. Zagreb (Croatia), July 19, 1914, technician, industrialist. Founded the P.-Werke; 1889 started as a mechanic in a garage in Graz constructing bicycles (mainly "Low Bikes" with rear wheel drive). Founded the firm J. P. - Erste steiermärkische Fahrrad-Fabriks-AG in 1899 producing cars and motorbikes; was general manager until 1912, during World Wars I and II was army supplier. 1928 company merged with Österreich Daimler-Motoren AG and became Austro-Daimler-Puchwerke AG and in 1934 merger with Steyr-Werke AG to form Steyr-Daimler-Puch AG. Literature: W. Ulreich, Das Steyr-Waffenrad, 1995; F. F. Ehn, Das große Puch-Buch. Die Zweiräder von 1890 bis 1987, 52000; idem, Die Puch-Automobile, 1900-1990, 22000; ÖBL.