Choose the headword of interest from the following list. All the entries are also available in English, even though the headword may be in German.
Philipp, Gunther G. Placheta - Piccottini, Gernot |
Philipp, Gunther G. Placheta |
Philipp, Johann "Hannes" |
Philipp von Sponheim |
Philippovich, Eugen, Freiherr von Philippsberg |
Philippovich, Joseph, Freiherr von Philippsberg |
Philips Industrie GmbH, Österreichische |
Philosophie |
Philosophische Lehranstalt |
Phonothek, Österreichische |
Photogrammetrie |
Photographie |
Photovoltaik |
Physik |
Physiologus |
Piaristen |
Piatnik, Ferdinand |
Piatnik, Ferdinand, & Söhne |
Piave |
Piber |
Piberstein |
Piburger See |
Piccaver, Alfred eigentlich A. Peckover |
Piccolomini, Enea Silvio |
Piccolomini, Ottavio Octavio Fürst |
Piccottini, Gernot |