Information: This is an old - not maintained - article of the AEIOU. In the Austria-Forum you find an updated version of this article in the new AEIOU.
Nausea, Friedrich eigentlich F. Grau© Copyright Friedrich Nauseas´s grave in St. Stephen´s Cathedral in Vienna, engraving 18th century Nausea, Friedrich (real name: F. Grau), b. Wiaschenfeld, (Germany), 1496, d. Trento (Italy), Feb. 6, 1552, priest in Frankfurt, preacher in Mainz Cathedral, 1534 preacher at the court of Ferdinand I, 1541 Bishop of Vienna, advocate of Church reform, Austrian representative at the Council of Trent, where he advocated the abolition of celibacy and the access of lay-men to church duties. Literature: H. Jedin, Das konziliare Reformprogramm F. N., Hist. Jb. 77, 1958; H. Gollob, Bischof F. N., Probleme der Gegenreformation 1496-1552, 21967.