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Meister der Habsburger Fürstenbildnisse auch: Meister der HerzogsscheibenMeister der Habsburger Fürstenbildnisse (also: Meister der Herzogsscheiben), glass painter, worked around 1380/90, one of the court painters of his time. He is best known for his "Habsburg windows" in the Chapel of St. Bartholomäus at St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna (around 1380/90, now at the Historical Museum in Vienna). After the model of the genealogical table of the Luxemburg family at Karlstein castle (Prague), he depicted in two windows all Habsburg sovereigns from Rudolf I to Albrecht III in two groups of three. The windows are remarkable for the highly individual character of the portraits and the meticulous architectural detail that surround them. Literature: Die Zeit der frühen Habsburger, exhibition catalogue, Wr. Neustadt 1979.